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2024 Report – Terego RVers' year in numbers

January 28, 2025News

The year 2024 was full of adventures, encounters and discoveries for Terego members. From new hosts across Canada (all the way to the Yukon!) to an ambassador program allowing members to participate in the network's expansion, the Terego season was a lively one. Discover our 2024 retrospective in numbers!

About Ten New Hosts Added Through the Ambassador Program

In addition to having explored miles and miles in an RV and savouring the local treasures of Canada, some members have become Terego ambassadors by participating in the development of the network of hosts in Canada. In 2024, about ten hosts joined the network thanks to our ambassador members! Terego generously rewards them with a free membership worth $109 or $75 in cash for each host recruited. Want to become an ambassador in 2025? Find out more here.

269 Reservations at the Most Popular Host 

The most popular host is Sucrerie Blouin at Île d'Orléans, with 269 reservations. This host offers 5 parking spaces overlooking the St. Lawrence River. Second place went to Ferme Megalex in Saint-Vallier, with 218 reservations. The farm is also on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. In Ontario, 1000 Islands Cruises - Rockport Boat Line, located on the waterfront, welcomed the most member travellers, with 182 RV visitors. So it's safe to say that Terego members like to spend peaceful nights by the water! 

Availability Above 60%

With over 1,600 RV parking spaces in all Canadian provinces, the availability rate remained high throughout the summer: between 60% and 73% of spaces were available. More availability = more discoveries! The addition of the “Same-day reservation” search filter has delighted travellers who like to make last-minute RV outings, and increased the number of reservations to 22,083. The member who made the most reservations via the Terego platform was Claude Ledoux, with 43 bookings!

$950,000 in Direct Economic Benefits

The 2024 season was a real success, generating nearly $950,000 in direct economic benefits for our hosts across Canada. This amount reflects the positive impact of Terego members' stays, which encouraged the purchase of local products and supported small businesses. The team would like to thank all our members and hosts who make this wonderful adventure possible, and who contribute, year after year, at boosting the local economy while creating memorable experiences!

The year 2024 will have been marked by an increase in the number of bookings, a growing network thanks to our passionate members and a significant economic impact. A huge thank you to the travellers and hosts who are part of the Terego family. We can't wait to see where the road takes us in 2025! 

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