As an RV traveller, when you become a member of the service, you first need to provide the necessary information for your registration and you need to accept and be bound by the specific Terms of Use for member travellers (hereinafter described as the « Contract »).
a) The Contract is between Terego, headquartered at 753 Bourget Street, Montreal (Quebec) H4C 2M6; and YOURSELF, registering to the service (hereinafter described as the « Client ») with your coordinates as provided in the registration form. A confirmation email with a copy of the Contract will be forwarded to the email address provided in the registration process.
b) The Terego email is:
c) The contract becomes valid on the date of your registration, as confirmed by the confirmation email sent to the Client. A member card will also be sent to the Client by mail.
d) The Contract allows the Client to access a web reservation platform hosted on the web site of Terego (hereinafter described as the « Platform ») in order to reserve parking spaces without services being offered by various hosts and businesses involved in rural activities/exploitation (hereinafter described as « Hosts ») allowing to park RVs for one night. These parking spaces are offered free of charge to Clients of Terego. However, the offer is limited and requires a proper reservation by the Client, for which the Client needs to use the reservation system provided on the Platform.
e) The yearly membership to the Platform is at the agreed-upon price, as indicated on the Platform. For the purpose of completing the membership process, the Client will be redirected to the external financial transaction platform known as Paypal. Paypalnotably accepts the following credit cards: MasterCard, Visa and American Express. The Client, for the purpose of completing the payment, will be subject to the terms of use of this external financial transaction platform.
f) No other fees will be charged to the Client. Hosts are committed to Terego to offer, free of charge, a specific number of parking spaces to Clients of Terego.
g) The Client understands that Terego is solely a service allowing Hosts to offer and post parking availabilities for RVs, to the benefit of Clients. Without restricting the scope of the above service, it is understood that Terego is not a travel agency nor a legal representative of the Hosts.
h) The Client understands that Terego is not responsible for the quality nor the number of parking spaces available at the time the Client wishes to make a reservation.
i) The Client understands that, upon purchasing the membership, the sale is final and any reimbursement will not be accepted. Moreover, the membership cannot be transferred, loaned, sold nor rented to a third party.
j) The Client agrees that, when a specific reservation is made at a Host’s place, Terego will transmit the following information to the Host: The Client’s complete name, email, phone number, RV model and length as well as the license plate number. The Client may also contact Terego directly for any information or questions related to reservations.
k) The use of the Platform is subject to the following restrictions:
The Client, when visiting Hosts, agrees to abide by the commitments towards hosts, listed in an Annex to this document. In accepting this Contract, the Client confirms having read and understood these commitments.
Any exchange, resale or rental to a third party of the Platform digital content is strictly forbidden.
It is forbidden to use the Platform for a third party or to allow a third party to use it without a membership.
The Client agrees the Privacy Policy. In accepting this Contract, the Client confirms having read and understood this Policy.
l) The present Contract gives the right to the Platform complete access for one year. The usual period for parking spaces availability is normally between May and November, according to local climate conditions conducive to RV travel in the various Provinces. The Client may then conclude a new Contract with Terego and will then be subject to the terms of use of the new Contract, which may differ from the present Contract.
m) In compliance with consumer protection rules and regulations, Terego may cancel the Contract upon prior notice to the Client, if the latter fails to abide by the stipulations of this Contract, notably in the case of not abiding to the commitments towards hosts, as reported to Terego by affected Hosts.